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Safe and Effective TMJ Treatment in Mississauga

Does your jaw often make a 'clicking' sound? Do you regularly wake up with stiffness around your jaw muscles? There is a high possibility that you might be suffering from Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction syndrome (TMD). Fortunately, we at GD Orthodontics can quickly identify the cause behind the issue and provide you with an effective treatment plan.


The temporomandibular joint refers to the joint situated in front of the ear, which allows jaw movement. A structural imbalance between the jaw and the skull can lead to a chronic degenerative condition known as temporomandibular disorder (TMD) or TMJ. Our orthodontist is dedicated to effective TMJ treatment in Mississauga while ensuring your comfort.


Please continue reading if you'd like to know more about our TMJ treatment in Mississauga. In case you have any queries, you can contact us to speak to our team.

Causes of TMD

Some of the common symptoms of TMJ or TMD include headaches, trouble opening your mouth and jaw locking. The pain caused by this affliction might affect the chewing and swallowing of any food item.


Habits such as grinding your teeth or clenching can tire your jaw muscles, causing continuous muscle spasms, sore muscles and tissue damage. TMD can also occur because of:

The improper shape of TMJ

Joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis

Injured joint or tissue around it

Trauma to your jaw, head, or neck

Arthritis and displacement of the jaw joint disk

However, in many cases, the causes of TMD might not be clear. If you are experiencing any of the mentioned symptoms or causes, then feel free to reach out to us. We would be happy to assist you!

Treating TMJ

Usually, the TMJ disorder can be cured without treatment. To reduce pain yourself, you can:


- Apply ice pack on your jaw for a few minutes, multiple times a day

- Avoid eating hard food items

- Try and rest your jaw

- Reduce stress through physiotherapy sessions


Why Is Treatment Important?


Those suffering from TMJ often ignore it or delay treatment. Delay or negligence in treating your TMJ can severely impact your dental health in many ways, including:

  • Your symptoms, such as joint stiffness, will gradually become more severe and even possibly unbearable.

  • The grinding of teeth, common with those suffering from TMJ, will gradually lead to their erosion.

  • Failure to treat TMJ can lead to lopsided facial muscles, which, in turn, can cause many other issues.

  • In sever e cases, not treating TMJ can lead to a loss of hearing.


We also offer other treatments such as Invisalign and surgical orthodontics. With our reliable and swift TMJ treatment in Mississauga, there is no reason to put off getting the right help. Please call us to make an appointment with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

When it comes to TMD disorders, having the right know-how can help you make an informed decision regarding your treatment. The following are frequently asked questions about TMD disorders.


Do clicking jaw joints indicate that I have TMD?

Popping and clicking jaw joints are some of the symptoms of TMD. Consult our experts without delay if you experience them.


How Is TMD Diagnosed?

After discussing the symptoms with your orthodontist, your orthodontist will examine your jaw. Your orthodontist can also request you to:

  • Discuss how you feel when you open or close your mouth.

  • Your orthodontist might observe the range of motion of your jaw.

  • Your orthodontist might press around the areas around the jaw for assessment.

What Will Happen after the TMD Diagnosis?

Even when you are diagnosed with TMD disorder, you don’t have to worry! After suspecting any possible problems indicating TMD, our orthodontist might need to see:


  • A dental x-ray for examining your teeth and jaw.

  • A CT scan to get detailed images of your bones and joints.

  • An MRI to have a closer look at the joint’s disk.


In addition, some of the other methods of TMJ disorder diagnosis that might be used are TMJ arthroscopy. During TMJ arthroscopy, a small thin tube is inserted into the joint space along with a small camera to have a closer look at the targeted area. The procedure helps determine a better diagnosis but is not necessarily used in every case.


Does TMJ disorder require surgery?

TMJ disorder does not always require surgery and can be cured non-surgically. It allows you to get back to your normal way of life, such as chewing and talking.


Are headaches caused by TMD?

Yes, headaches are caused by TMD. Clenching your teeth can put undue pressure on your jaw joints resulting in headaches. 


Which Exercises Can Reduce TMJ Pain?

Activities that can help you reduce your jaw pain include:

  • Pressing your chin bone with your thumb lightly and trying opening your mouth
  • Keeping your tongue on the roof of your mouth and trying opening your jaw without moving your tongue
  • Stretching your neck by placing your hands across your chest

Schedule an Appointment Today

If the TMD pain persists, you must check with our orthodontist. Book an appointment today for TMJ treatment in Mississauga.

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