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What To Expect When You Visit An Orthodontist


If you have an improper bite, crowded or crooked teeth, plan a visit to our orthodontist. They can identify the specific cause of your misaligned teeth and suggest different treatment options. Some of us may be concerned about our appearance while wearing braces and if the entire process will be painful. Fortunately, recent advancements in technologies have made the treatments more comfortable and pleasant. At GD Orthodontics we provide orthodontic treatments for sleep apnea, jaw issues and dentofacial problems.

What to Expect During Your First Appointment

During your first visit, you will get to meet your orthodontist and staff members. If you are bringing your child, knowing the dentist in advance may ease his or her nervousness.

The orthodontist may ask you several questions to better understand your problem. Information about your symptoms, such as problems in chewing or swallowing food, is essential to identify the root cause of your dental problem. X-rays or complete pictures of your mouth and teeth also help identify the problem accurately. Here are some of the common issues that can be treated by an orthodontist:

  • Anteroposterior deviations – Such deviations include:

  1. Underbite - Upper teeth are positioned backward than the lower teeth.

  2. Overbite - Lower teeth are positioned backward than the upper teeth.

  • Overcrowding – This happens when there is a lack of jawbone space and the new teeth do not erupt in alignment with the existing teeth.

  • Aesthetic issues – Sometimes, the shape of the face is distorted by badly positioned jaw or teeth. Orthodontists can restructure and realign the jaw, lips and teeth.

Your orthodontist might prepare a mould of your teeth to prepare braces for you. The mold is the exact shape and size of your teeth. It helps identify the alignment of your jaws and teeth. Based on the observations, you might be suggested the following treatments:

  • Braces or Invisalign - You may have to wear braces for one to three years. Visit your orthodontist every few weeks while wearing braces to make sure the braces have not moved from their place. The wires should also be adjusted regularly to ensure the teeth move into the desired position.

  • Headgear and facemasks – These devices can be recommended in addition to braces. They fit around the head and attach to the braces. It further boosts teeth and jaw bone alignment. This is to achieve growth modification.

  • Retainers – These are generally worn to ensure that the teeth don’t move back to their original position.

Your first consultation at GD Orthodontics is free. Give us a call or visit our contact us page and fill in your details.

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